• Striker (500ml)


    Active Ingredient: Thiamethoxam + Lambda cyalothrin

    Broad spectrum systemic insecticide that effectively controls larval & adult stages of chewing, biting/sucking and chewing pests through its stomach, repellant and anti feedant action.

    For control of insect pests like cutworms, coffee twig borer, maize stalk borer, loopers, potato psyllids, white flies, cabbage moth, false codling moths etc.

    Application: 25-30 millilitres per 20 litres sprayer

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  • Dudu Fenos 440 EC (500ml)


    Active Ingredient: Cypermethrin + Profenofos

    A very effective insecticide with very high penetrative power to kill both sucking and chewing insect pests on many crops. Dudu Fenos has a rapid knock down effective giving your crop relief from insect pests in time.

    Application: 30-40 millilitres per 20 litres sprayer

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  • Sevin dudu dust (200gm)


    Sevin dudu dust is a broad spectrum insecticides dust for the control of domestic pests eg, safari ants, fleas, bedbugs, lice, mites, and ticks

    Active Ingredients: Carbaryl 7.5%
    Dosage: Dust the product on the infested area and repeat after appearance of the pest.
    Package:  200 gm

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  • WeedMaster 50 SL-1 Ltr


    A non-selective postemergence herbicide for control of annual and perennial weeds.

    It’s a leaf herbicide that gives long-lasting control of many kinds of grass, sedges, broadleaf weeds, and woody species in cropland, industrial and non-cropped areas.

    Repeated applications will be necessary to maintain long-lasting weed control since Weedmaster has no pre-emergence activity.

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  • Twiga 2,4-D 72SL – 1Ltr


    Twiga 2,4-D is a selective weed killer for the control of broad-leaved weeds in rice, Sugarcane, Maize Banana, Sorghum, Forestry and grassland areas.

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  • Pin Up 480 SL – 1Ltr


    A non-selective postemergence herbicide for control of annual and perennial weeds.

    It’s a leaf herbicide that gives long-lasting control of many kinds of grass, sedges, broadleaf weeds, and woody species in cropland, industrial and non-cropped areas.

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  • Hurrow -1Ltr


    HURROW is a pre-emergence and early post-emergence herbicide with long residual activity for control of annual weeds in Sugarcane, Pineapples, Bananas, Cotton and other crops.

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  • Robran Mulit Mineral Block


    Multi nutrient mineral block has essential minerals that your animal needs, it has high crude protein and energy to supplement what your animals are getting from pastures!

    Promotes growth, increases milk production in the shortest period of time, is good for animals in a feedlot system( essential for fattening) helps to build the condition of lactating animals

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  • Hay per bale


    Hay 7000 a bale

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  • Molasses per jerrycan


    Discover the benefits of our Premium Molasses, a versatile and nutrient-rich feed supplement ideal for livestock and agricultural applications. Packed with essential nutrients, this high-quality molasses enhances palatability, promotes healthy digestion, and supports overall animal health.

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  • Mucuna (Velvet Bean) per kg


    Enhance your livestock grazing with our high-quality Mucuna (Velvet Bean) pasture seeds from Robranmall. Renowned for their nutritional benefits, these seeds actively promote healthy growth and increase forage quality. Sourced from trusted local farmers, our Mucuna seeds guarantee exceptional germination rates and robust plants. Order now to enrich your pasture and boost your livestock’s health!


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  • Gliricidia per bag


    Elevate your pasture quality today with our premium Gliricidia pasture seeds from Robranmall! Renowned for their rapid growth and excellent forage quality, these seeds enrich soil fertility while providing high-nutrient forage for your livestock. Our Gliricidia seeds ensure superior germination rates and robust plants. Order now to enhance your pasture and support your livestock’s health!

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  • Calliandra 153,000 per kg


    Calliandra 150,000 per kg

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  • Lablab per kg


    Elevate your pasture quality with our premium Lablab pasture seeds from Robranmall. Renowned for their rapid growth and high nutritional value, these seeds provide livestock with a rich source of protein. Additionally, Lablab enhances soil fertility through nitrogen fixation, promoting healthier grazing land. Order now to experience the benefits of high-quality forage that supports livestock health and productivity!

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